15 Ways How to Be in Your Feminine Energy With a Man

how to be in your feminine energy with a man

Knowing how to be in your feminine energy with a man is the secret to creating the dreamy romantic relationship you want.

After all, feminine energy is what makes men drawn to you.

Imagine if you know how to turn on this feminine energy intentionally…

The confidence, attraction, and power you can create with any man ANY TIME you decide.

In this article, I will give out to you the 15 ways how to be in your feminine energy with a man, so you can experience this magic yourself!

15 ways how to be in your feminine energy with a man

Here are 15 ways how to be in your feminine energy with a man:

  1. Show appreciation
  2. Slow down your movements
  3. Bring out your playfulness
  4. Relax ahead
  5. Keep the mystery
  6. Know your worthiness
  7. Overflow with joy
  8. Keep your heart open
  9. Use the power of eye-contact
  10. Open body language
  11. Let him lead
  12. Hold your boundaries
  13. Be vulnerable and real
  14. Let him invest
  15. Do NOT chase him

Let me each point …

1. Show appreciation

One of the key things you can do to be in your feminine energy with a man is to show appreciation for all the things he does for you.

Feminine energy is the receiving counterpart to his masculine providing.

When you show appreciation for the smallest things it shows him you are open to receiving and it will inspire him to give you even more.

2. Slow down your movements

When you are interacting with a man, consciously slow down and drop in your body to be in your feminine energy.

Can you catch yourself breathing too fast? Walking too fast? Or speaking too fast?

By slowing down how you move and speak with a man, you can instantly create a more feminine and alluring vibe.

3. Bring out your playfulness

One of the key ways to be in your feminine energy with a man is to be playful.

Women who embody their femininity often have a lightness and playfulness about them that naturally draws others in.

So drop the heaviness of work and life and inject more fun and play into your interactions with men, and you will instantly feel more feminine.

🌹 Unlock your feminine energy and become happier, more loved, and fulfilled as a result. This program has everything you need for a transformation in just 7 weeks 🌹 

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4. Relax

Another way to be in your feminine energy with a man is to relax.

It is easy to slip into a masculine mode during the day when you are busy with work and duties.

To be in your energy with a man you might want to take a few minutes before your interaction to intentionally relax.

You can create a short relaxing ritual such as taking a warm shower, putting on perfume, listening to music, and so on.

5. Keep the mystery

When you embody feminine energy, you become naturally more mysterious.

Don’t reveal everything about yourself in the first interaction.

Don’t overshare. Don’t try to impress him. Make him wonder what you do in your life and how you spend your time.

By being mysterious and keeping him guessing, he will become more intrigued and want to know more.

6. Know your worthiness

To be in your feminine energy with a man, you must know you are worthy and deserving of love.

When you value yourself, your confidence and self-esteem will naturally rise!

This is a huge turn-on for men.

Never beg for attention, approval, or love from a man.

Know how valuable and deserving you are of it, and he will be naturally drawn to you.

🌹 Join women from all over the world in the unlock feminine energy program 🌹 

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7. overflow with joy

Another way to be in your feminine energy with a man is to show joy.

When you are enjoying yourself, it will light up your energy and make you even more magnetic to him.

Whether you are laughing, dancing, or discovering new things together, show how much fun you are having, and he will be naturally drawn to your joy.

8. Keep your heart open

In order to fully be in your feminine energy with a man, you MUST keep your heart open.

Keeping the heart open is literally the hardest thing for so many women.

We might get easily triggered, run stories in our heads, and feel hurt and closed.

It takes practice to keep the heart open and this is especially important when you are in an intimate relationship with a man.

9. Use the power of eye-contact

If you want to be in your feminine energy with a man … you need to use the power of the eye-contact!

A feminine woman can communicate more with a single eye contact than with hours of conversation.

When you connect with a man through your eyes, there is an energy exchange that can feel magical.

10. Open body language

If you want to be in your feminine energy with a man, one of the easiest ways is to use your body language to draw him in.

Show him you are open, approachable, and receptive with your energy and body language.

This subtle invitation can create a powerful attraction and he will know you are receptive to him.

11. Let him lead

One of the first things I recommend you if you want to be in your feminine energy with a man is to let him lead.

A woman who is in her feminine energy knows when to lean back and let the man prove to her that he has the best intentions.

Let him come up with the date ideas. Let him plan the details. Let him call the cab.

Not only this will show how much he is invested in you, but it will also allow him to feel like a man.

12. Hold your boundaries

A feminine woman is definitely not a pushover!

She knows how to hold her boundaries.

She is not afraid to speak up when something doesn’t feel right.

The secret is to know how to express your boundaries while staying open, kind, and compassionate.

This shows him how much you value and respect yourself, which will make him know you are the real deal.

🌹 “For the first time ever, I feel like I understand my femininity. I’d already begun seeing breakthroughs and improvements in my relationships. This program has been a true gift.” 🌹 

➡️ Click here to learn more!

13. Be vulnerable and real

A feminine woman knows how to be vulnerable and real in her interactions with a man.

There is no need to put up a mask or try to be perfect. You can share your dreams, passions, fears, and desires. Let him see what is your true flavor.

This will deepen the connection between the two of you and make him feel even more drawn to you.

14. Let him invest

A man falls in love with you more, the more he invests in you.

Whether it is financially, emotionally, or through his time and effort, allow him to do so.

Are you open to receiving his help? Are you open to his suggestions and solutions? Do you let him be the provider?

These are all important ways to let a man invest in you and fall deeper in love.

15. Do NOT chase him

Lastly, in order to be in your feminine energy with a man, you must NOT chase him!

Instead of constantly analyzing how he’s feeling, how he’s acting toward you, and how much he likes you, take your focus off of him.

Do not wait for his texts and rather focus on your own life.

This will help you stay in your feminine magnetism and allow him to chase you.

Final thoughts on how to be in your feminine energy with a man

Feminine energy is the most powerful and effective when it comes to men!

To fully be in your feminine energy with a man, it is important to keep your heart open, use the power of nonverbal communication, and show up as your real authentic self.

EVERY woman can access this feminine energy and use it to attract the man and romantic relationship of her dreams!

My Unlock Feminine Energy Program is the BEST place to start if are tired of NOT winning with men.

Activate your feminine energy, start living your best life today and you will never look back!

about Katerina

heal feminine energy - how to feel like a woman

Hello lovely,

my name is Katerina and welcome to my page.

On this blog, I write about femininity and self-development.

Let’s get to know each other on my about page :)